Departments and Programs

Master Programs PhD Programs
Pharmaceutical engineering Environment  Planning
Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineering
Electrical Engineering - Telecommunication Systems Geography and Urban Planning
Mechatronics Political Geography
Mechanical Engineering - Manufacturing Nanochemistry
Mechanical Engineering - Applied Design Applied Chemistry
Mechanical Engineering - Energy Conversion Private Law
Environmental Design Engineering Public Law
Energy Systems Engineering - Environment & Energy International Law
International Commercial Economic Law Theology and Islamic Teachings of Jurisprudence and the Foundations of Islamic Law
International Law Sociology - Economic Sociology and Development
Private Law Technology Management
MBA - Marketing Media Management
MBA - Strategy Industrial Engineering- Production & Operation
Media Management Human Resourses Management
Executive Mangement Commercial Management - Marketing Management
Industrial Mangement Public Administration-  Decision-Making and Policy- Making
Human Resources Management Accounting
Bussiness Management Financial Management
Management of Urban Affairs Persian Language and Literature
Public Administration English Language and Literature
Technology Management English Teaching
Financial Management Planning and Management of sports
Economic Sciences Physical Education and Sport Sciences - Physiology
Entrepreneurship - Bussiness Physical Education and Sport Sciences - Sport Pathology and Breeding Movements
English Language and Literature Physical Education and Sport Sciences - Motion Behavior
English Language Teaching Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
Educational Management


Clinical Psychology
Psychology and the Education of Exceptional Children
Urban Planning
Urban Design
Image Communication
Industrial Design
Physical Education and Sports Science - Sport Management
Architecture Engineering
Criminal Law
Public Law